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REMEMBER: Acetaminophen has never been proven safe for babies.  While it is effective in lowering temperatures, there are other risks for neurodevelopmental damages. 

We can not give medical advice, so the best advice we can give is for parents and guardians to make a plan in advance.  We have compiled a list of alternative ways to treat pain and fevers, for your own educational convience. 

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WPLab, Inc. provides links to some publicly available information reguarding treatment of fevers without paracetamol, but WPLab, Inc. does not provide medical advice and does not recommend any particular method of treating fevers or pain in children. 

What More Can I Do?

We know the evidence, we know what action needs to be taken and now with your help we can raise our voices to allow parents, guardians, lawmakers, medical professionals and others know what we can do to change this today. 


Being informed is one of the most important parts of making change. Read about the 20 lines of evidence so that you can learn, share, and advocate for others to know too.


Share the message with other parents and guardians to let them make educated decisions on administering acetaminophen to their babies and children.


Participate in the cause by taking personal action, whether posting on social media, calling your local representatives, and participating in other initiatives.

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