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Let’s look at lines of evidence numbers 15 and 16 out of 20 telling us that acetaminophen exposure in susceptible babies and children causes many if not most cases of autism.
This is William Parker, the scientist, with Dr. Parker Reports.
These two lines of evidence tell us that there is a direct correlation between autism and acetaminophen use in babies and children.
Three different studies have looked at this.
Line of evidence number 15 is the Stephen Schultz study which showed 20-times more regressive autism with acetaminophen use between 12 and 18 months of age.
Line of evidence number 16 is an analysis of a huge dataset called the Danish National Birth Cohort which found that a 30% increase in autism with heavy use of acetaminophen.
30% is a lot, but our analysis published in Minerva Pediatrics shows that this is almost certainly a profound underestimate.
Finally, Seth Bittker and a study published in 2018 showed that for each dose of acetaminophen given after birth, you get a 1.5% increase in the risk of autism. This study by Bittker supports lines of evidence numbers 15 and 16.
These two lines of evidence are extremely concerning, but they’re not what we would call “solid proof” that acetaminophen causes autism.
Each study has some weaknesses and substantial uncertainty, but those studies all use different approaches but yet they come to the same conclusion, telling us that acetaminophen use is directly correlated with autism.
And when we put these together with the other 18 lines of evidence, it allows us to conclude with no reasonable doubt that acetaminophen use in susceptible babies and children is causing many, if not most cases of autism.
Please follow us to see more lines of evidence.
And that’s the broad strokes on lines of evidence numbers 15 and 16 out of 20.
To watch a more detailed video on this topic: please watch our similarly titled video on this WPLab Youtube channel.
To get more information and to see how this fits into the big picture, read the peer-reviewed research.
The following references describe the original published research mentioned in this blog: